5 Mistakes Beginner Web Developers Commit and How to Fix Them
Source: https://makeafree.com/ We have prepared a list of some of the most common mistakes we have seen for about a decade that newbie web developers commit while building websites. The purpose of writing this blog post is to tell new developers which kind of mistakes they commit and to educate them, and also save them from such common mistakes. Every Master Was Once a Beginner Even when you aren’t a novice, you may find the mistakes shown below are genuine but don’t forget, genuineness is a concern of experience. There was a time when all of the people with experience definitely faced a few of these mistakes, too. And if you are a new starter, we hope this blog post will save you a bit of time and embarrassment in the future. Let’s get started! Mistake #1: Inserting Spaces in File Names You can save your HTML file as “my cool page.html,” but those gaps between words are a mistake as web addresses or URLs don’t include spaces. However, if you wish to have space...