
Showing posts with the label java

5 Mistakes Beginner Web Developers Commit and How to Fix Them

  Source:    We have prepared a list of some of the most common mistakes we have seen for about a decade that newbie web developers commit while building websites. The purpose of writing this blog post is to tell new developers which kind of mistakes they commit and to educate them, and also save them from such common mistakes. Every Master Was Once a Beginner Even when you aren’t a novice, you may find the mistakes shown below are genuine but don’t forget, genuineness is a concern of experience. There was a time when all of the people with experience definitely faced a few of these mistakes, too. And if you are a new starter, we hope this blog post will save you a bit of time and embarrassment in the future. Let’s get started! Mistake #1: Inserting Spaces in File Names You can save your HTML file as “my cool page.html,” but those gaps between words are a mistake as web addresses or URLs don’t include spaces. However, if you wish to have space...

Some Questions to Check How Serious Your Prospect is for Buying

  Source: You must know that a valuable prospect is a treasure, which is found at the top of a mountain. And reaching the peak needs bear fatigue, extreme cold, and high altitudes. In order to make this journey even less captivating, you don’t know how much the treasure has value or if you’ll ever be able to spend it. In that scenario, would you try to climb? Your prospects deal with this problem all the time. However, they’re curious about the results you quote. They’re also likely threatened by the time, energy, and resources needed to navigate the purchasing process, no need to mention, to comprise your product or service into their system and processes. This is the reason why buyers who don’t have a firm desire to change eventually decide not to act. Utilize some of these questions to find out unmotivated prospects so that you can stimulate the suitable urgency.  Top 5 Questions to Ask to Your Prospects 1.   How Have You Tried to Face ...

How to Develop Adaptable JavaScript User Interface

Resilience is endogenous to the website and so for the web developers. This guide finds out how graceful watchful coding, perceptibility, and a positive viewpoint towards failures better strengthens us before, during, and post an issue occurs. Adapting the fragility of the web equips us to develop User Interfaces able to adapt the functionality they can provide whilst still offering quality to users. Stuff on the web can crash – the issues are piled up against us. Several things can go wrong: a server request can get failed, a JavaScript feature can become unsupported (presuming JavaScript is even accessible), a third-party library crashes, a CDN may go down, user behavior may get unexpected (user can double-click on a submit button), and the list is ongoing. Luckily, software engineers can cast aside or at least minimize the effect of crashes in the web apps they develop. However, this needs a conscious attempt and mindset to focus on thinking about unexpected cases just as much as ex...