How to Fix the Ashen Crash Issue?


Ashen is one of the most popular world co-op action RPG games out there. It offers you multiplayer mode and different exciting levels to enhance your gaming experience. But according to the many gamers, they are facing some crashing issues on it while playing the game. If you are struggling to find their solutions, then here are some directions to solve this issue.

Fix the Game 

  • To repair the game, pursue these on-screen instructions mentioned below:
  • Go to the Epic Game Launcher and select the Library option.
  • Thereafter, select the icon of the cog at the bottom right side of the screen.
  • Then select the Verify option to begin confirming the file of the game.
  • Now, open the Ashen once the confirmation process finishes.

Run a Windows Update

  • To run a Windows update, pursue these on-screen instructions mentioned below:
  • Hold the Windows and I keys simultaneously on the keyboard to invoke the Settings.
  • Thereafter, select the ‘Update & Security’ option.
  • You should choose the ‘Check for updates’ option, and Windows will begin browsing for applicable updates.
  • In case there are applicable updates, Windows will download the updates automatically.
  • In case there are no updates associated with .Net Framework or Microsoft Visual C++ from the Windows Update, you should download their installation files through the links beneath the own then install them on the system: 
  • Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015:
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 RC:
  • Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017:
  • Microsoft .NET Framework:
  • Now, reboot the system once you install the newest MS Visual C++ Redistributable and Microsoft.
  • Finally, open the Ashen once again to check whether you have solved the game issue.

Optimize the Graphics Card Settings via NVIDIA:

Change Nvidia Graphics Card Settings

To modify the Nvidia graphics and card settings, pursue these on-screen instructions mentioned below:

  • Hold the Windows and R keys simultaneously on the keyboard to launch the Run section.
  • Thereafter, insert ‘control’ into it and press the Enter button to invoke the Control Panel.
  • You should see the Control Panel by Large icons.
  • Go to the ‘NVIDIA Control Panel’ to launch it.
  • You have to choose the 3D Settings option then pick the ‘’Adjust image settings with preview’ option.
  • Later, choose the ‘Use my preference emphasizing’ option, then move the slider to the left-hand side.

Change AMD Graphics Card Settings

To change AMD graphics card settings, pursue these on-screen instructions mentioned below:

  • Hold the Windows and R keys simultaneously on the keyboard to launch the Run section.
  • Then input ‘control panel’ in it and hit the Enter button to launch the Control Panel.
  • You should see the Control Panel by Large icons.
  • Later, choose the ‘AMD Radeon Settings’ to invoke it.
  • Now, select the Gaming option, then choose the Global Settings option.

Change Intel Graphics Card Settings

To modify Intel graphics card settings, pursue these on-screen instructions mentioned below:

  • Hold the Windows and R keys simultaneously on the keyboard to launch the Run section.
  • Afterward, insert ‘control panel’ then hit the Enter button to launch the Control Panel.
  • See Control Panel by Large icons.
  • Click on the ‘Intel Graphics Settings’ to invoke it.
  • Select the 3D option to launch the settings of 3D.
  • Choose the Scan button to include the game in the app list.
  • Now, select the Apply button to apply the settings.



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